Life After Centre

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is a strange post to come back on, but I just couldn't avoid the topic. Weddings are everywhere! My facebook feed looks like a wedding photographer's portfolio. And it's just fantastic! Like many women, I love weddings. It's not just the dresses, the flowers, or the jewelry, it's the idea that good things are still happening in the world. It's so easy to been depressed over the state of the economy, the continuous political scandals, or the atrocities of war. It is nice to see something genuinely happy; a young couple in love just starting their lives together. Societies are built on families and marriage represents the culmination of a new family. So in this post I want to wish the best of look to all of my engaged or recently married friends :). Enjoy your new life with your spouse.

While we are on the topic of weddings, I happened to be in London for what may well be "the wedding" of a lifetime. On April 29th, Kate Middleton lived every little girl's fantasy and married her "Prince Charming." London was turned upside down for momentous occasion. For months, vendors peddled "Will & Kate" souvenirs. The couple was on the face of every newspaper and tabloid. By the time the big day arrived, people were packed into the city like sardines. Several tube stops near the Westminster Abbey and Hyde Park were shut down due to high volume of passengers. A few of my London classmates and I went to Hyde Park to watch the festivities on giant screens that had been erected for the occasion. A good time was had by all. There were 150,000 people in Hyde Park that day, making it essentially the biggest wedding reception ever. It was one heck of a party. People were waving British flags, women and men dressed up as brides, and the alcohol was flowing like the Mississippi. It was a truly monumental occasion, and it was done only as the British could do it.

That's me in Hyde Park indulging in the festivities.

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